2024 MDIC Annual Public Forum Info & Policies

Event Venue:
Hotel Washington
515 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20004, United States
1-202-661-2400 | Direct Booking Link

Refunds & Cancellations: Cancel by August 15, 2024 for any reason and receive a full refund. A 50% refund will be granted if the request is received between August 15-September 5, 2024. No refunds will be guaranteed if the request is received after September 5, 2024; extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. All cancellation requests must be submitted via email with complete registrant contact information to APF@mdic.org.

Photography & Videography: By attending the Annual Public Forum, you agree to possibly have your likeness captured in the background of event photography and videography. If you wish to not appear in any media captured at the show, it is the responsibility of the attendee to let event staff and/or media crew know and you will be accommodated.