Human Body Simulation Models
Human body simulation models provide insight into clinical performance of medical devices and can potentially improve patient care by accelerating product development and reducing time to market. However, industry adoption of such advanced simulation models has been limited due to many barriers such as time, cost and expertise required for adoption.
MDIC is leading translation research to bridge the gap between NIH funded academic research models and models for development of medical devices and interventions.

- Insight into clinical performance
- Improve patient care
- Accelerate concept ideation
- Accelerate product development
- Reduce time to market
- Reduce development cost

- Time constraints
- Funding collaborations
- Expertise required

- Industry needs assessment results
- Rubrics for model assessment
- Repository of models
- Case studies
Computational Modeling & Simulation Resources
2024 FDA/MDIC Symposium on Computational Modeling and Simulation Presentations
Landscape Report & Industry Survey on the Use of Computational Modeling & Simulation in Medical Device Development
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Computational Modeling and Simulation Program
Check out the Computational Modeling and Simulation overview to learn more about projects, initiatives, news, upcoming events.