Commercial Payer Council: Q2 Key Insights

Insights from the MDIC Commercial Payer Council's 2nd Quarterly Meeting

Explore Key Insights from the second quarterly meeting of the MDIC Commercial Payer Council, held on April 2, 2024. MDIC’s Health Economics and Patient Value (HEPV) program served as a neutral convener, bringing together executives representing an integrated healthcare delivery network and payer, a device company, a health plan, a health technology assessment organization, and a law firm, as well as consultants involved in health policy, market access, and reimbursement.

The experts shared their perspectives and insights on two timely topics:

1. Utilization management (UM), prior authorization (PA), and health equity in Medicare Advantage 2. The impact of new obesity drugs on the medical device industry: Payers’ Views on the Current Rise and Future of Obesity Drug Coverage

The following key insights are intended to help individuals working in device and digital health technology companies develop a strategy and pathway for working with commercial payers.

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