Case for Quality – Overview


Case for Quality promotes a holistic, data-driven approach to quality across the device lifecycle, addressing inconsistencies that impede patient safety.

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Program Background

In 2011, the FDA introduced the Case for Quality program to support manufacturing practices that consistently meet high-quality standards while aligning with FDA laws and regulations. Since 2014, the FDA has collaborated with MDIC and other stakeholders to strengthen ties with the medical device industry, launching initiatives that encourage sustained, predictive practices. These efforts aim to enhance device quality and safety, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

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Quality Benefits

Focusing on quality aims to provide benefits across the healthcare ecosystem, including potentially faster patient access to high-quality devices and greater confidence in their performance. Predicting and managing risks may help manufacturers reduce costs and improve profits, making quality a strategic, long-term investment for patient safety and organizational success.

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Quality Prioritization

The Case for Quality program stemmed from an in-depth FDA review of device quality data and feedback from industry stakeholders. This review identified common manufacturing risks that affect product quality and demonstrated how addressing these risks leads to improved outcomes including higher productivity, fewer complaints, and reduced quality-related costs. This transformative movement required active collaboration among regulators, industry, providers, payers, and patients to pave the way for a cultural shift toward prioritizing quality.

Excellence in Quality Workshops and Summit

MDIC’s Excellence in Quality Workshops and Summit provide MedTech professionals with actionable strategies to elevate product quality. Led by industry experts, these events focus on innovation, patient safety, and organizational impact. Sessions foster collaboration, share practical solutions, and empower participants to drive results in healthcare.

MDIC Events
MDIC's Paul Sumner at the Excellence in Quality Summit

Advancing Quality Excellence Collaborative Community

Leveraging its unique convening platform, the AQEcc brings together manufacturers, healthcare providers, governmental agencies, third parties, industry associations, and other stakeholders to develop practices, tools, and metrics that promote product quality—from design and manufacturing to performance.

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Case for Quality Resources

Make CAPA Cool White Paper

Leadership Engagement Playbook

Accelerate Sustainable Capability Pilot Study: Pilot Site Playbook